Meet the world’s largest fish! “海遊館-KAIYUKAN-“
Since Japan is an island country surrounded by the sea, there are many aquariums.
KAIYUKAN, located in Osaka, is one of the largest aquariums in the world and one of the most famous aquariums in Japan.
The world’s largest fish species, the whale shark, swims gracefully in front of your eyes, sea lions and penguins swim as if flying in the water, schools of sardines are breathtaking, and jellyfish are beautiful.
Visitors can feel the fascination of the earth and its creatures, the mystery of life, and the importance of life, and have a valuable experience that will move everyone.
日本は海に囲まれた島国であることから、水族館がたくさんあります。 中でも大阪にあるこの”海遊館”は世界的にも最大級の規模を誇り、日本を代表する水族館の一つです。 世界最大の魚類・ジンベエザメが目の前を悠然と泳ぐ姿をはじめ、水中を飛ぶように泳ぐアシカやペンギン、圧巻のイワシの群れ、クラゲたちの美しさ。 地球と生きものの面白さ、生命の神秘、命の大切さを感じ、誰もが感動できる貴重な体験をすることができます。
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